Monday, February 7, 2011

Tweets About The Cairo Riots

rafiqandani kinda wish the Egyptian masses in Tahrir Square would turn into a flash mob.. That would definitely sendMubarak a message!

asadabukhalil If I were to choose between dictators, I would pick Bin Ali over Mubarak. At least the former knew that he was hated and left.

orthotox To give #Mubarak more time to rule is to give him more time to kill.

joelgoodman @_cpb at the same time the #Cairo riots are inspiring. People fixing their govt and starting a revolution.

dianalian @neurra I didn't notice that, really... Did you see the Four Horsemen? One of them is Death, appeared during the riots at Cairo recently.

Zakkers13 Revolution in Tunis, riots in Cairo and Addis Ababa... Didn't George W say that invading Iraq would start the spread of democracy in M East?

djcraigmacky Because of the riots in Egypt they've cancelled my flight. Now I've got to get the night boat to Cairo. It's madness...

ChapmanFamily Watching the Cairo riots was more fun than this superbowl

BarbWireBetty Chicago sports' fans pooh pooh Cairo's riots. "Hell, we burn more cars than that after basketball games."

Benyeahwhat I think the super hero in Cairo is watching Direct T.V. Hence all the riots. On a lighter note, I can't blame him.

abSTRacTMiNDED U know whats sad? People over reacting that facebook might shut down In march (it's not) but people in Egypt are having riots no one listens

TPOTEfan these poor reporters almost got killed in the riotsin #Egypt. Amazing story, glad they're safe

mcdandyandy RT @DeathStarPR: Riots continue in Egypt. Mubarak and would-be dictators take note: this is what happens when you take Farmville away from people.

JZogo_ Just finished my essay about the riots in #egypt :)

StephOlivieri First the trapped miners in Chile and now theriots in Egypt. How much more drama can the Middle East take? - S. Palin

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